Sapience Rx is a bespoke dashboard tool that uses actual prescription data for all GP practices in the United Kingdom – a true measure of demand & usage that overcomes these problems.
Advanced data visualisation software is used to deliver fully interactive bespoke dashboards to Sales, Marketing and Market Access teams on laptops and tablets (offline or online options). Combine with other data sources to deliver unique insights to your teams (e.g. Activity, HES or QOF data, etc.) Reporting at varying levels of granularity: Surgery, CCG / LHB, LAT, Territory, Regional, Dispensing / Non-Dispensing split, etc. Supports strategic planning. Drives excellent customer targeting and a true measure of account plan impact and implementation. Understand depth and breadth of prescribing – number of new / repeat customers per month. Generic vs Branded prescribing insights
Call CE Consultancy to discuss how Sapience Rx can give your company the competitive edge.
Sapience Rx uses public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v 3.0